2000 Greater Hamilton
Chinese Dragon Boat
Races & Festival
Silver Level - $ 1,000
- Company logo featured on all event
material including
- Newspaper advertisement
- The Dragon Boat Racer
Bi-monthly and the Dragon Boat Racer Special
Edition News
- Result boards at the event
- Team registration kits
- Corporate recognition in
- Press releases
- Dragon Boat website
- Signage Privileges
- 2 sign board/banner, not be
larger than 4 feet by 8 feet, to be supplied by
sponsor no later than 2 weeks prior to the event
- put along race course and around the stage area
- Product sampling and distribution
of logo'd products / literature for
- The team captain's kit
(supplied by sponsor no later than 2 weeks prior
to the event)
- The Volunteer's Kit
(supplied by sponsor no later than 2 weeks prior
to the event)
- All spectators at the event
- Display of products
- A designated 10 feet by 10
feet area will be available for your company to
display information and to promote product or
- Admisision privileges
- 3 complementary parking
- 10 complimentary admissions
to the VIP tent
- Your company representative will be
invited to participate in the operation reception
ceremony and to meet with the celebrities and sponsors.
to the Home Page.
This homepage is
designed by Allen Lau
If you want to have your homepage designed, please call (905)
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